
Apax Partners wijzigt naam in Seven2

In het kort

Apax Partners, aandeelhouder Odin Groep, wijzigt naam in Seven2. Lees het persbericht voor meer informatie over de naamswijziging.

Apax Partners has always remained at the forefront of the private equity sector.

Our mission is to unlock the potential of ambitious entrepreneurs, empowering them to push boundaries and achieve meaningful and long-lasting sustainable growth.

In the past ten years, we have built a great team (now more than 70 people strong), created a platform with the launch of our small cap activity in 2017, opened private equity to retail investors, improved fund performance and gone international with successful investments in Italy and the Benelux countries. We currently support 27 companies, with the ambition to build industry champions.

We now want to take the firm to the next level and become a leading private equity player in Europe.
This means changing our name. Apax Partners is now Seven2, a reference to the year Apax was created.

We will, however, continue to use the Apax name for all our activities dedicated to private clients (clients, financial intermediaries, distributors) under the label “Apax by Seven2”. Our life-insurance fund will be rebranded APEO™ (previously Apax Private Equity Opportunities) and our philanthropy fund will continue to be named Apax Philanthropy Fund.

We are excited to enter this new chapter of Seven2, together with you.

Eddie Misrahi

President of Apax Partners Seven2

Odin Groep

Expolaan 50
7556 BE Hengelo

Lage Biezenweg 3
4131 LV Vianen

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