Winvision in top 10 best digital innovations of 2021
In short
ICT trade title Computable.nl has announced the nominees for the Computable Awards 2021. We are immensely proud that our subsidiary Winvision, together with CSU Cleaning Services and BE Clean (part of Beyond Eyes) got a spot in the top-10 by the judges. Will you help Winvision win the award?
Winvision's joint project 'Data-driven cleaning' has been nominated in the Digital Innovation category. Computable explains the choice: "Cleaning is a completely analogue process, where the cleaning employee has a fixed route and office-specific information mainly in his head. It can be more efficient and transparent. Data-driven and therefore more result-oriented cleaning is the solution. It makes the cleaning process more efficient, more transparent and increases satisfaction among customers and cleaning employees. For the general jury of the Computable Awards 2021, reason to nominate the 'Data-driven cleaning' project in the Digital Innovation category."
Will you help Winvision win this awesome award? Your vote is important, because the public votes determine 50% of the winner. You can read more via this link. Thanks for your vote!